Thursday, October 13, 2011

Recommendation for the Weekend: Prisoners of their ideas

Taking advantage of God It's Friday, I want to make a recommendation for the weekend:
If you are in Madrid, do not miss the new space of the Fashion Designers Association of Spain (ACME) which, until October 6 , includes the exhibition "Prisoners of their ideas."
An exhibition born of the attempt to unite, in a curious way, the past and present of this space, located in the c / Leon, 24, of Madrid.

The activity is included in DecorAcción , an initiative of businessmen and traders in theBarrio de las Letras , in collaboration with the magazine New Style, which is held on the same dates. So the area of supply is multiple (more for lovers of decoration) with options of all kinds, so that the journey is complete.
You shall count if you like me.

Have a nice weekend! :)

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