Saturday, October 15, 2011

Arturo Elena at Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week

Sometimes, in the fashion world seems like everything is distant and unattainable, but if anything I've learned over the years is that it is working wonderful people, open and close, always ready to help. One of those people (who turned out to be a pleasant surprise when I discovered it) is: Arturo Elena .

For this edition of Cibeles has collaborated with the illustrator's signature watches Audemars Piguet , for which he has created 12 images, 6 of which are oversized to 3 meters to illustrate the aisle that divided the two gateways of Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week.

I was very impressed to see the result. Five of the six images represent women from each of the five continents. The sixth is an illustration especially for Madrid.
What do you think?
To me, what I like is that although the watch brand is always present (something logical and inevitable), the illustrations are designed with elegant discretion, favorable both for the firm as an illustrator.
Without a doubt my favorite is Africa, so Arturo photographed with her.
I have yet a quiet conversation with him, but he would not show his work to stop.

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